General Policies and Procedures


These policies and procedures have been created to protect the rights of access users and assure fair allocation of access resources.


LCTV receives zero tax dollars. We are partially funded by the franchise fees that our towns collect from the for-profit cable companies, for the right to use the public right of way. The towns then pass on a portion of these franchise fees to LCTV.

As a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, we are also grateful for business sponsors and individual donors who play a significant role in helping LCTV continue its legacy of service to the community. 100% of your gift is fully tax deductible.

Please consider supporting LCTV with your one-time or monthly gift: Support LCTV.


Complaints regarding violations of LCTV’s Policies and Procedures must be made in writing to the Executive Director. If the complainant does not receive a satisfactory response, the complainant may submit a written appeal to the President of the LCTV Board of Directors for review by the LCTV Board of Directors. The LCTV Board of Directors will issue a written decision to the complainant within (30) thirty days of receiving it. All decisions of the LCTV Board of Directors are final.

Obscenity and Indecency Definitions for the Cable Medium

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